Monthly Archives: March 2017

“Greek dances, food and celebrations”

The customs of the ancient Greeks were daily routines that they had. They had their dances, typical foods, and also every year they had celebrations. The Greeks had a simple dress, consisting of a chitón. It was a long tunic. People who wore them to the ankles in times of the Greeks. They were fastened with a belt and a himation that was a layer wrapped to the body and made of a single piece of cloth. Slaves wore them. Women’s clothing and men’s clothing were tunics. Men’s were a little shorter than women’s. The short cloak was without sleeves and was called a pallium.

-What are the typical Greek dances? The typical dances of the Greeks were divided into two. One was that of the village dances and another was that of the dances of the cities.
-What food do the Greeks eat? The Greeks ate bread, cereals, fruits, vegetables, meats, fish, and wine.
-What are the celebrations of the Greeks? The celebrations of the ancient Greeks were the Greek Passover, the Passover table, Christmas, and carnivals.